Simple-SSH-Server - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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All ** [Visual Basic] ** [C#] ** [VB.NET] **

Simple SSH Server
VB code
Option Explicit
Dim WithEvents wodSSHD1 As wodSSHDCom

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Filename As String
Dim Password As String

    ' initialize wodSSHD
    Set wodSSHD1 = New wodSSHDCom
    ' first we need to load or generate key we will use
    ' in productional systems, generate both keys (RSA/DSA)
    ' here, just for the sample, one is enough.
    'On Error Resume Next
    Filename = App.Path + "\mykey.rsa"
    ' we don't need to put password at all - but it's better in real life
    Password = "My secret password"
    ' try to load the key
    wodSSHD1.Keys.Load Filename, Password
    If Err <> 0 Then
        ' load failed - we will generate new one
        wodSSHD1.Keys.Generate RSAkey
        wodSSHD1.Keys.Save RSAkey, Filename, Password
    End If
    wodSSHD1.Protocol = SSH2
    wodSSHD1.Port = 22
    ' let's start listening

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Set wodSSHD1 = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub wodSSHD1_LoginPassword(ByVal User As wodSSHDComLIB.ISSHUser, ByVal Login As String, ByVal Password As String, Action As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions)
    ' allow everyone to come in and show that big message
    Action = Allow
End Sub

Private Sub wodSSHD1_ServiceRequest(ByVal User As wodSSHDComLIB.ISSHUser, ByVal ServiceIndex As Long, ServiceType As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes, ServicePath As String, Action As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions)
    ' ignore all requests for external subsystems, including portforwarding
    ServiceType = stNone
End Sub

Private Sub wodSSHD1_ServiceStart(ByVal User As wodSSHDComLIB.ISSHUser, ByVal ServiceIndex As Long, ByVal ServiceType As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes, ByVal ServiceName As String)
    ' show nice message
    User.Send "#  #  #  ######  #        ####    ####   #    #  ######" & vbCrLf
    User.Send "#  #  #  #       #       #    #  #    #  ##  ##  #" & vbCrLf
    User.Send "#  #  #  #####   #       #       #    #  # ## #  #####" & vbCrLf
    User.Send "#  #  #  #       #       #       #    #  #    #  #" & vbCrLf
    User.Send "#  #  #  #       #       #    #  #    #  #    #  #" & vbCrLf
    User.Send " ## ##   ######  ######   ####    ####   #    #  ######" & vbCrLf
    User.Send vbCrLf & "You have connected to wodSSHD server. Feel free to stay." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    User.Send "You are coming from host " & User.RemoteIP & vbCrLf
    User.Send "Your login is " & User.Login & vbCrLf
    User.Send "You connected at " & Format(User.TimeConnected, "dddd, mmm d yyyy h:m") & vbCrLf
    User.Send "So far you have received " & User.BytesDownload & " bytes"
    User.Send vbCrLf & vbCrLf
    User.Disconnect ' we're done, disconnect user
End Sub
VB.Net code
Option Explicit On
Dim WithEvents wodSSHd1 As wodSSHDComLIB.wodSSHDCom

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim Password As String

    ' initialize wodSSHD
    wodSSHd1 = New wodSSHDComLIB.wodSSHDCom

    ' first we need to load or generate key we will use
    ' in productional systems, generate both keys (RSA/DSA)
    ' here, just for the sample, one is enough.

    On Error Resume Next

    Filename = Application.StartupPath + "\mykey.rsa"

    ' we don't need to put password at all - but it's better in real life
    Password = "My secret password"

    ' try to load the key
    wodSSHd1.Keys.Load(Filename, Password)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        ' load failed - we will generate new one
        wodSSHd1.Keys.Save(wodSSHDComLIB.SSHKeyTypes.RSAkey, Filename, Password)
    End If
    wodSSHd1.Protocol = wodSSHDComLIB.ProtocolsEnum.SSH2
    wodSSHd1.Port = 22

    ' let's start listening
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Disposed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Disposed
    wodSSHd1 = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub wodSSHd1_LoginPassword(ByVal User As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHUser, ByVal Login As String, ByVal Password As String, ByRef Action As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions) Handles wodSSHd1.LoginPassword
    ' allow everyone to come in and show that big message
    Action = wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions.Allow
End Sub

Private Sub wodSSHd1_ServiceRequest(ByVal User As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHUser, ByVal ServiceIndex As Integer, ByRef ServiceType As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes, ByRef ServicePath As String, ByRef Action As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions) Handles wodSSHd1.ServiceRequest
    ' ignore all requests for external subsystems, including portforwarding
    ServiceType = wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes.stNone
End Sub

Private Sub wodSSHd1_ServiceStart(ByVal User As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHUser, ByVal ServiceIndex As Integer, ByVal ServiceType As wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes, ByVal ServiceName As String) Handles wodSSHd1.ServiceStart
    ' show nice message
    User.Send("#  #  #  ######  #        ####    ####   #    #  ######" & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("#  #  #  #       #       #    #  #    #  ##  ##  #" & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("#  #  #  #####   #       #       #    #  # ## #  #####" & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("#  #  #  #       #       #       #    #  #    #  #" & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("#  #  #  #       #       #    #  #    #  #    #  #" & vbCrLf)
    User.Send(" ## ##   ######  ######   ####    ####   #    #  ######" & vbCrLf)
    User.Send(vbCrLf & "You have connected to wodSSHD server. Feel free to stay." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("You are coming from host " & User.RemoteIP & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("Your login is " & User.Login & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("You connected at " & String.Format("{0:dddd, MMM d yyyy HH:mm}", User.TimeConnected) & vbCrLf)
    User.Send("So far you have received " & User.BytesDownload & " bytes")
    User.Send(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
    User.Disconnect() ' we're done, disconnect user
End Sub
C# code
private wodSSHDComLIB.wodSSHDCom wodSSHd1;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // initialize wodSSHD
    wodSSHd1 = new wodSSHDComLIB.wodSSHDCom();

    wodSSHd1.LoginPassword += new wodSSHDComLIB._IwodSSHDComEvents_LoginPasswordEventHandler(wodSSHd1_LoginPassword);
    wodSSHd1.ServiceRequest += new wodSSHDComLIB._IwodSSHDComEvents_ServiceRequestEventHandler(wodSSHd1_ServiceRequest);
    wodSSHd1.ServiceStart += new wodSSHDComLIB._IwodSSHDComEvents_ServiceStartEventHandler(wodSSHd1_ServiceStart);

    String Filename = String.Empty;
    String Password = String.Empty;
    // first we need to load or generate key we will use
    // in productional systems, generate both keys (RSA/DSA)
    // here, just for the sample, one is enough.

    Filename = Application.StartupPath + @"\mykey.rsa";

    // we don't need to put password at all - but it's better in real life
    Password = "My secret password";

    // try to load the key
        wodSSHd1.Keys.Load(Filename, Password);
        wodSSHd1.Keys.Generate(wodSSHDComLIB.SSHKeyTypes.RSAkey, 1024);
        wodSSHd1.Keys.Save(wodSSHDComLIB.SSHKeyTypes.RSAkey, Filename, Password);

        wodSSHd1.Protocol = wodSSHDComLIB.ProtocolsEnum.SSH2;
        wodSSHd1.Port = 22;

        // let's start listening

    void wodSSHd1_LoginPassword(wodSSHDComLIB.SSHUser User, string Login, string Password, ref wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions Action)
        // allow everyone to come in and show that big message
        Action = wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions.Allow;

    void wodSSHd1_ServiceRequest(wodSSHDComLIB.SSHUser User, int ServiceIndex, ref wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes ServiceType, ref string ServicePath, ref wodSSHDComLIB.SSHActions Action)
        // ignore all requests for external subsystems, including portforwarding
        ServiceType = wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes.stNone;
    void wodSSHd1_ServiceStart(wodSSHDComLIB.SSHUser User, int ServiceIndex, wodSSHDComLIB.SSHServiceTypes ServiceType, string ServiceName)
        // show nice message
        User.Send("#  #  #  ######  #        ####    ####   #    #  ######" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("#  #  #  #       #       #    #  #    #  ##  ##  #" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("#  #  #  #####   #       #       #    #  # ## #  #####" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("#  #  #  #       #       #       #    #  #    #  #" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("#  #  #  #       #       #    #  #    #  #    #  #" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send(" ## ##   ######  ######   ####    ####   #    #  ######" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("\r\n" + "You have connected to wodSSHD server. Feel free to stay." + "\r\n" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex); ;
        User.Send("You are coming from host " + User.RemoteIP + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("Your login is " + User.Login + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("You connected at " + String.Format("{0:dddd, MMM d yyyy HH:mm}", User.TimeConnected) + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("So far you have received " + User.BytesDownload + " bytes", ServiceIndex);
        User.Send("\r\n" + "\r\n", ServiceIndex);
        User.Disconnect(); // we're done, disconnect user