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SSHUser object

SSHUser Class

DisconnectDisconnects user for the server.
ReceiveReceives data from the user, as string expression.
ReceiveDataReceives data from the user, as byte array.
SendDataSends array of bytes to the user.
SendSends string expression to the user.
EnvironmentHolds environment variables for connected user.
AuthChallengeHolds challenge for keyboard-interactive authentication.
BytesDownloadHolds total number of bytes user downloaded.
BytesUploadHolds total number of bytes user uploaded.
DomainHolds domain information for the user.
ExitDescriptionHolds text description of exit reason.
ExitReasonHolds reason for disconnection provided by remote side.
HomeDirHolds home directory when external service is started.
IndexReturns index of the user.
LocalPFCountHolds total number of local port forwardings user is currently using.
LoginHolds login information.
LoginAttemptsReturns number which represents how many Login attempts were made by user.
PasswordHolds user's password.
RemoteIPHolds originating IP address of the user.
RemotePFCountHolds total number of remote port forwardings user is currently using.
RemotePortHolds originating port of the user.
ServiceHolds service type for a request service.
ServicesCountHolds total number of services user is currently using.
StateHolds current user's state.
TagTag for misc usage.
TerminalEmulationDetermines emulation codes for the user.
TimeConnectedHolds time information when user connected.
TimeoutDetermines number of seconds before user is disconnected for inactivity.
UIDReturns unique ID for the user since server started.
UseNTAuthenticationDetermines if native NT authentication is used for user's access.


In this object you will find all known information about the referenced user. Some of this information is filled during connecting to SSH server, some of them later, and some are free to be filled with your information.

No matter if wodSSHD or yourself have set it, you are free to change any of those information if you need to.

For example, you can check Login and Password that user entered, and then change it to 'Guest' and pass to wodSSHD (make sure UseNTAuthentication is set to True) to login user with Guest privileges. This way you can have user's using server in non-privileged environment with your custom Login/Password combinations.

