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ConnectingFires when user tries to connect to the server.
CryptoInformationFires before user established encrypted connection with the server.
DisconnectedFires when user leaves the server.
LoginGSSAPIFires when user wants to authenticate to the server using Kerberos GSSAPI authentication mechanism.
LoginPasswordFires when user wants to authenticate to the server using password or keyboard-interactive mechanism.
LoginPubkeyFires when user wants to authenticate to the server with public key
PortBindRequestFires when user wants to bind specific port on the server.
PortForwardConnectFires when user port forwarding is to be established.
PortForwardDisconnectFires when user port forwarding is to be closed.
PortForwardRequestFires when user wants to connect to other host through the server.
ReceivedFires when there's data received from the user.
ServiceRequestFires when user requests some service from the server.
ServiceStartFires when user starts requested service.
SftpDeleteFileFires when SFTP user wants to delete file.
SftpDownloadFileFires when SFTP user wants to download file.
SftpFileTransferDataFires during file transfer, allowing you to alter file contents.
SftpListDirFires when SFTP user lists directory.
SftpListDirDataFires just before list items will be sent to the client.
SftpMakeDirFires when SFTP user wants to make directory.
SftpProgressFires during file transfer.
SftpRemoveDirFires when SFTP user wants to remove directory.
SftpRenameFires when SFTP user wants to rename file or directory.
SftpTransferCompleteFires when file transfer is complete.
SftpUploadFileFires when SFTP user wants to upload file.
StateChangedFires when user's state changes.

