...wodFtpDlx was exactly what I needed, it worked, and it was priced right...
Your customer service was excellent, and I will look at your products in the future for precisely that reason.
Your professionalism is reflected into your email, your product and your web site. I am confident that these will make the difference.
It is very refreshing to find such helpful, knowledgeable and quick responding technical support.
You did a great job on wodSSH and wodSSHServer! I got a lot for very little money. Thanks!
...with a minimum of effort as the DLL interface was written with such simplicity...
Your component works really great. With minor effort I have been able to convert my delphi application...
This has been, by far, the best experience I have ever had dealing with a support entity in my long career in the technical arena
Thank you so much for your hard work and commitment in producing well thought-out solutions. WeOnlyDo is very committed to customer satisfaction!