WeOnlyDo Software - developing .NET, COM and ActiveX components
...with a minimum of effort as the DLL interface was written with such simplicity...
Zack Menendez
Mapframe Corporation
Your component works really great. With minor effort I have been able to convert my delphi application...
Gilles Hache
Cisco Systems Inc.
We have recently completed a large 1200+ location project where reliable Telnet and SSH connectivity was required. wodSSH worked flawlessly and allowed our staff to complete our project ontime and within budget.
James Sievers
Harbor Technologies
Fantastic product by the way, it has helped us tremendously on a daily basis. Keep up the good work.
Ben Lewis
Waterson Consulting Ltd.
...I'm extremely impressed with the product, it represents excellent value for money...
Danny Haworth
We have recently completed a large 1200+ location project where reliable Telnet and SSH connectivity was required. wodSSH worked flawlessly and allowed our staff to complete our project ontime and within budget.
James Sievers
Harbor Technologies
...what I really like is that wodSSH and wodSFTP components work excellently and are constantly being improved...
Steven Jones
SABIEN project
Fantastic product by the way, it has helped us tremendously on a daily basis. Keep up the good work.
Ben Lewis
Waterson Consulting Ltd.
Your .NET components allow us to blend .NET technology seamlessly with secure communication, and with excellent technical support.
Bil Bragg
...with a minimum of effort as the DLL interface was written with such simplicity...