Using-regular-expression-for-a-prompt-in-SSH - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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Using regular expression for a prompt in SSH
VB code
Dim wodSSH1 As wodSSHCom
Set wodSSH1 = New wodSSHCom

'Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSSH1.HostName = "your_hostname"
wodSSH1.Protocol = SSHAuto
wodSSH1.Login = "your_login"
wodSSH1.Password = "your_password"
wodSSH1.Blocking = True 'Use synchronous connections

'regex: \$%#> means it will accept any of those chars (\,$,%,#,>)if they appear at the end of the line.
'This includes 99.9% of most UNIX command prompts (including root account).
Debug.Print wodSSH1.WaitFor("regex:[\$%#>] $")
VB.NET code
Dim wodSSH1 As WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH
wodSSH1 = New WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH

'Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSSH1.Hostname = "your_hostname"
wodSSH1.Protocol = WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.SupportedProtocols.SSHAuto
wodSSH1.Login = "your_login"
wodSSH1.Password = "your_password"
wodSSH1.Blocking = True 'Use synchronous connections

'regex: \$%#> means it will accept any of those chars (\,$,%,#,>)if they appear at the end of the line.
'This includes 99.9% of most UNIX command prompts (including root account).
Console.WriteLine(wodSSH1.WaitFor("regex:[\$%#>] $"))
C# code
WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH wodSSH1;
wodSSH1 = new WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH();

//Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSSH1.Hostname = "your_hostname";
wodSSH1.Protocol = WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.SupportedProtocols.SSHAuto;
wodSSH1.Login = "your_login";
wodSSH1.Password = "your_password";
wodSSH1.Blocking = true;

//regex: \$%#> means it will accept any of those chars (\,$,%,#,>)if they appear at the end of the line.
//This includes 99.9% of most UNIX command prompts (including root account).
Console.WriteLine(wodSSH1.WaitFor("regex:[\\$%#>] $"));