Update-own-VCard-details - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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Update own VCard details
VB code
Dim WithEvents wodXMPP1 As wodXMPPCom
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set wodXMPP1 = New wodXMPPCom
    wodXMPP1.Login = "JID__username@domain.com"
    wodXMPP1.Password = "JID__password"
    'Connect to Jabber/XMPP server.
End Sub

'Connected Event fires when wodXMPP connects to remote server.
Private Sub wodXMPP1_Connected()
    'When Connected Event is fired, we can update our VCard details.
    'In this example we will do that using button on our form (check Command1_Click).
    MsgBox "Connected"
End Sub

'Disconnected Event fires when wodXMPP disconnects from server.
Private Sub wodXMPP1_Disconnected(ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
    'Inside Disconnected Event we can check for an error using ErrorText and ErrorCode variable.
    If ErrorCode <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error: " & ErrorText
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    'Add VCard details we want to update.
    wodXMPP1.VCard.NickName = "nickname"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.FirstName = "first name"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.LastName = "last name"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.Email = "email address"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.URL = "homepage URL"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.Description = "own description"
    'Send new VCard details to server.
    'After VCard details is updated. We can receive new details using Receive Method.
    'Please check Command2_Click and VCardDetails Event.
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    'Receive own VCard details from server.
End Sub

'VCardDetails Event fires when someone's VCard arrives from the server.
Private Sub wodXMPP1_VCardDetails(ByVal Contact As WODXMPPCOMLib.IXMPPContact, ByVal Partial As Boolean)
    'Display own VCard details.
    Debug.Print "NickName: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.NickName
    Debug.Print "FirstName: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.FirstName
    Debug.Print "LastName: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.LastName
    Debug.Print "Email: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.Email
    Debug.Print "URL: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.URL
    Debug.Print "Description: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.Description
End Sub
VB.NET code
Dim WithEvents wodXMPP1 As WODXMPPCOMLib.wodXMPPCom
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    wodXMPP1 = New WODXMPPCOMLib.wodXMPPCom

    wodXMPP1.Login = "JID__username@domain.com"
    wodXMPP1.Password = "JID__password"
    'Connect to Jabber/XMPP server.
End Sub

'Connected Event fires when wodXMPP connects to remote server.
Private Sub wodXMPP1_Connected() Handles wodXMPP1.Connected
    'When Connected Event is fired, we can update our VCard details.
    'In this example we will do that using button on our form (check Command1_Click).
End Sub

'Disconnected Event fires when wodXMPP disconnects from server.
Private Sub wodXMPP1_Disconnected(ByVal ErrorCode As Integer, ByVal ErrorText As String) Handles wodXMPP1.Disconnected
    'Inside Disconnected Event we can check for an error using ErrorText and ErrorCode variable.
    If ErrorCode <> 0 Then
        MsgBox("Error: " & ErrorText)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    'Add VCard details we want to update.
    wodXMPP1.VCard.NickName = "nickname"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.FirstName = "first name"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.LastName = "last name"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.Email = "email address"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.URL = "homepage URL"
    wodXMPP1.VCard.Description = "description"

    'Send new VCard details to server.
    'After VCard details is updated. We can receive new details using Receive Method.
    'Please check Command2_Click and VCardDetails Event.
End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    'Receive own VCard details from server.
End Sub

'VCardDetails Event fires when someone's VCard arrives from the server.
Private Sub wodXMPP1_VCardDetails(ByVal Contact As WODXMPPCOMLib.XMPPContact, ByVal [Partial] As Boolean) Handles wodXMPP1.VCardDetails
    'Display own VCard details.
    Console.WriteLine("NickName: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.NickName)
    Console.WriteLine("FirstName: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.FirstName)
    Console.WriteLine("LastName: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.LastName)
    Console.WriteLine("Email: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.Email)
    Console.WriteLine("URL: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.URL)
    Console.WriteLine("Description: " & wodXMPP1.VCard.Description)
End Sub
C# code
private void Form1_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    wodXMPP1 = new WODXMPPCOMLib.wodXMPPCom();
    wodXMPP1.Connected += new WODXMPPCOMLib._IwodXMPPComEvents_ConnectedEventHandler(wodXMPP1_Connected);
    wodXMPP1.Disconnected += new WODXMPPCOMLib._IwodXMPPComEvents_DisconnectedEventHandler(wodXMPP1_Disconnected);
    wodXMPP1.VCardDetails += new WODXMPPCOMLib._IwodXMPPComEvents_VCardDetailsEventHandler(wodXMPP1_VCardDetails);

    wodXMPP1.Login = "JID__username@domain.com";
    wodXMPP1.Password = "JID__password";
    //Connect to Jabber/XMPP server.

//Connected Event fires when wodXMPP connects to remote server.
private void wodXMPP1_Connected()
    //When Connected Event is fired, we can update our VCard details.
    //In this example we will do that using button on our form (check Command1_Click).

//Disconnected Event fires when wodXMPP disconnects from server.
private void wodXMPP1_Disconnected(int ErrorCode, string ErrorText)
    //Inside Disconnected Event we can check for an error using ErrorText and ErrorCode variable.
    if (ErrorCode != 0)
        MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ErrorText);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Add VCard details we want to update.
    wodXMPP1.VCard.NickName = "nickname";
    wodXMPP1.VCard.FirstName = "first name";
    wodXMPP1.VCard.LastName = "last name";
    wodXMPP1.VCard.Email = "email address";
    wodXMPP1.VCard.URL = "homepage URL";
    wodXMPP1.VCard.Description = "description";

    //Send new VCard details to server.
    //After VCard details is updated. We can receive new details using Receive Method.
    //Please check Command2_Click and VCardDetails Event.

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Receive own VCard details from server.

//VCardDetails Event fires when someone's VCard arrives from the server.
void wodXMPP1_VCardDetails(WODXMPPCOMLib.XMPPContact Contact, bool Partial)
    //Display own VCard details.
    Console.WriteLine("NickName: " + wodXMPP1.VCard.NickName);
    Console.WriteLine("FirstName: " + wodXMPP1.VCard.FirstName);
    Console.WriteLine("LastName: " + wodXMPP1.VCard.LastName);
    Console.WriteLine("Email: " + wodXMPP1.VCard.Email);
    Console.WriteLine("URL: " + wodXMPP1.VCard.URL);
    Console.WriteLine("Description: " + wodXMPP1.VCard.Description);