Simple-FTPS-Server - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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Simple FTPS Server
VB code
Public WithEvents FtpD As wodFTPDCom
Public cert As Certificate

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Initialize instance of wodFtpServer
    Set FtpD = New wodFTPDCom

    ' Initialize wodCertificate object
    Set cert = New Certificate
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    ' Generate the needed Certificate and Private key
    cert.GenerateKey RSAKey
    cert.CommonName = ""
    cert.Country = "US"
    cert.Email = ""
    cert.FriendlyName = "my cert"
    cert.Locality = "US"
    cert.Organization = "My org"
    cert.State = "US"
    cert.ValidTo = Now + 365 '1 year
    cert.Generate 'RSAkey
    cert.Show ("This is your certificate")
    Set FtpD.Certificate = cert

    ' Let's specify FTPS protocol
    FtpD.Protocol = FTPS

    ' If not specified otherwise, wodFtpServer will listen on default protocol port (21 for FTPS)
    FtpD.Port = 21

    ' Start listening for connections.
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    ' Let's stop the server
End Sub

Private Sub FtpD_LoginPassword(ByVal User As wodFTPDComLib.FtpUser, ByVal Login As String, ByVal Password As String, ByRef Action As wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions)
    ' Accept all users, and assign default directory
    Action = Allow
    User.HomeDir = "c:\"
End Sub
VB.Net code
Public WithEvents FtpD As wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom
Public cert As WODCERTMNGLib.Certificate
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    'Initialize instance of wodFtpServer
    FtpD = New wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom

    ' Initialize wodCertificate object
    cert = New WODCERTMNGLib.Certificate
End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    ' Generate the needed Certificate and Private key

    cert.CommonName = ""
    cert.Country = "US"
    cert.Email = ""
    cert.FriendlyName = "my cert"
    cert.Locality = "US"
    cert.Organization = "My org"
    cert.State = "US"
    cert.ValidTo = Now.AddYears(1) '1 year

    cert.Show("This is your certificate")

    FtpD.Certificate = cert

    ' Let's specify FTPS protocol
    FtpD.Protocol = wodFTPDComLib.ProtocolsEnum.FTPS

    ' If not specified otherwise, wodFtpServer will listen on default protocol port (21 for FTPS)
    FtpD.Port = 21

    ' Start listening for connections.
End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    'Let's stop the server
End Sub

Private Sub FtpD_LoginPassword(ByVal User As wodFTPDComLib.FtpUser, ByVal Login As String, ByVal Password As String, ByRef Action As wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions) Handles FtpD.LoginPassword
    'Accept all users, and assign default directory
    Action = wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions.Allow
    User.HomeDir = "c:\"
End Sub
C# code
private wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom FtpD;
private WODCERTMNGLib.Certificate cert;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Generate the needed Certificate and Private key

    cert.CommonName = "";
    cert.Country = "US";
    cert.Email = "";
    cert.FriendlyName = "my cert";
    cert.Locality = "US";
    cert.Organization = "My org";
    cert.State = "US";
    cert.ValidTo = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1); //1 year

    cert.Show("This is your certificate", this);

    FtpD.Certificate = cert;

    // Let's specify FTPS protocol
    FtpD.Protocol = wodFTPDComLib.ProtocolsEnum.FTPS;

    // If not specified otherwise, wodFtpServer will listen on default protocol port (21 for FTPS)
    FtpD.Port = 21; 

    // Start listening for connections.

void FtpD_LoginPassword(wodFTPDComLib.FtpUser User, string Login, string Password, ref wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions Action)
    // Accept all users, and assign default directory
    Action = wodFTPDComLib.FtpActions.Allow;
    User.HomeDir = "c:\\";

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Initialize instance of wodFtpServer
    FtpD = new wodFTPDComLib.wodFTPDCom();

    // Initialize the Certificate object
    cert = new WODCERTMNGLib.Certificate();

    FtpD.LoginPassword += new wodFTPDComLib._IwodFTPDComEvents_LoginPasswordEventHandler(FtpD_LoginPassword);

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Let's stop the server