Send-multiple-commands-to-SSH-server-using-synchronous-connection - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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All ** [Visual Basic] ** [C#] ** [VB.NET] **

Send multiple commands to SSH server using synchronous connection
VB code
Dim wodSSH1 As wodSSHCom
Set wodSSH1 = New wodSSHCom

'Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSSH1.HostName = "your_hostname"
wodSSH1.Login = "your_login"
wodSSH1.Password = "yout_password"
wodSSH1.Blocking = True 'Use synchronous connections

'Wait for a prompt. Regular expression is used for a prompt.
wodSSH1.WaitFor ("regex:[\$%#>] $")
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0 'Empty bytes inside buffer
'Execute command using Execute Method.
'Execute Method will send the command of your choice to the server and wait for it to complete.
Debug.Print wodSSH1.Execute("command 1" + vbLf, "regex:[\$%#>] $")
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0
Debug.Print wodSSH1.Execute("command 2" + vbLf, "regex:[\$%#>] $")
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0
Debug.Print wodSSH1.Execute("command 3" + vbLf, "regex:[\$%#>] $")
'and so on ...
wodSSH1.Disconnect 'Disconnect from server
VB.NET code
Dim wodSSH1 As WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH
wodSSH1 = New WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH

'Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSSH1.Hostname = "your_hostname"
wodSSH1.Login = "your_login"
wodSSH1.Password = "your_password"
wodSSH1.Blocking = True 'Use synchronous connections

'Wait for a prompt. Regular expression is used for a prompt.
wodSSH1.WaitFor("regex:[\$%#>] $")
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0 'Empty bytes inside buffer
'Execute command using Execute Method.
'Execute Method will send the command of your choice to the server and wait for it to complete.
Console.WriteLine(wodSSH1.Execute("command 1" & vbLf, "regex:[\$%#>] $"))
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0
Console.WriteLine(wodSSH1.Execute("command 2" & vbLf, "regex:[\$%#>] $"))
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0
Console.WriteLine(wodSSH1.Execute("command 3" & vbLf, "regex:[\$%#>] $"))
'and so on ...
wodSSH1.Disconnect() 'Disconnect from server
C# code
WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH wodSSH1;
wodSSH1 = new WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH();

//Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSSH1.Hostname = "your_hostname";
wodSSH1.Login = "your_login";
wodSSH1.Password = "your_password";
wodSSH1.Blocking = true; //Use synchronous connections

//Wait for a prompt. Regular expression is used for a prompt.
wodSSH1.WaitFor("regex:[\\$%#>] $");
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0; //Empty bytes inside buffer
//Execute command using Execute Method.
//Execute Method will send the command of your choice to the server and wait for it to complete.
Console.Write(wodSSH1.Execute("command 1\n", "regex:[\\$%#>] $"));
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0;
Console.Write(wodSSH1.Execute("command 2\n", "regex:[\\$%#>] $"));
wodSSH1.DataReady = 0;
Console.Write(wodSSH1.Execute("command 3\n", "regex:[\\$%#>] $"));
//and so on ...
wodSSH1.Disconnect(); //Disconnect from server