Resume-file-download-using-SFTP-protocol - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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All ** [Visual Basic] ** [C#] ** [VB.NET] **

Resume file download using SFTP protocol
VB code
Dim wodSFTP1 As wodSFTPCom
Set wodSFTP1 = New wodSFTPCom

'Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSFTP1.HostName = "your_hostname"
wodSFTP1.Login = "your_login"
wodSFTP1.Password = "your_password"
wodSFTP1.Blocking = True  'Use synchronous connections

'When Resume = True wodSFTP will start file download from 
'the position that is equal to the length of the existing local file.
wodSFTP1.Resume = True

'After connection with server is successful GetFile will automatically resume file download.
wodSFTP1.GetFile "c:\", "/home/somepath/somefile.txt"
VB.NET code
Dim wodSFTP1 As New WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP

'Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSFTP1.Hostname = "your_hostname"
wodSFTP1.Login = "your_login"
wodSFTP1.Password = "your_password"
wodSFTP1.Blocking = True  'Use synchronous connections

'When Resume = True wodSFTP.NET will start file download from 
'the position that is equal to the length of the existing local file.
wodSFTP1.Resume = True

'After connection with server is successful GetFile will automatically resume file download.
wodSFTP1.GetFile("c:\", "/home/somepath/somefile.txt")
C# code
WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP wodSFTP1 = new WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP();

//Authenticate with server using hostname, login, password.
wodSFTP1.Hostname = "your_hostname";
wodSFTP1.Login = "your_login";
wodSFTP1.Password = "your_password";
wodSFTP1.Blocking = true;  //Use synchronous connections

//When Resume = True wodSFTP.NET will start file download from 
//the position that is equal to the length of the existing local file.
wodSFTP1.Resume = true;

//After connection with server is successful GetFile will automatically resume file download.