FEAT-Command-in-FTP-Protocol - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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FEAT Command in FTP Protocol
VB code
Dim WithEvents wodFtpDLX As wodFtpDLXCom
Dim FEATResponse As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ' Initialize the component here
    Set wodFtpDLX = New wodFtpDLXCom

    ' Set default connection parameters to connect
    With wodFtpDLX
        .HostName = "xx"
        .Login = "xx"
        .Password = "xx"
        ' Initiate connection
    End With

End Sub

' Once connection is made, display response to FEAT command.
Private Sub wodFtpDLX_Connected(ByVal ErrorCode As Long, ByVal ErrorText As String)
    MsgBox FEATResponse, vbOKOnly, "Following features are supported by server: "
End Sub

' In order to receive reply to FEAT command, we will use FTPReply Event. Once "FEAT" is executed, we can
' check ReplyText for server's response to command.
Private Sub wodFtpDLX_FTPReply(ByVal Command As String, ByVal ReplyCode As Integer, ByVal ReplyText As String)
    If InStr(Command, "FEAT") > 0 Then
        FEATResponse = ReplyText
    End If
End Sub
VB.Net code
Dim WithEvents wodFtpDLX As WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX
Dim FEATResponse As String

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    wodFtpDLX = New WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX

    ' Set default connection parameters to connect
    With wodFtpDLX
        .Hostname = "xx"
        .Login = "xx"
        .Password = "xx"

        ' Initiate connection
    End With

End Sub
' Once connection is made, display response to FEAT command.
Private Sub wodFtpDLX_ConnectedEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpConnectedArgs) Handles wodFtpDLX.ConnectedEvent
    MsgBox(FEATResponse, vbOKOnly, "Following features are supported by server: ")
End Sub

' In order to receive reply to FEAT command, we will use FTPReply Event. Once "FEAT" is executed, we can
' check ReplyText for server's response to command.
Private Sub wodFtpDLX_FtpReplyEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpReplyArgs) Handles wodFtpDLX.FtpReplyEvent
    If Args.Command = "FEAT" Then
        FEATResponse = Args.ReplyText
    End If
End Sub
C# code
private WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX wodFtpDLX;
private String FEATResponse = String.Empty;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Initialize component and events
    wodFtpDLX = new WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX();
    wodFtpDLX.ConnectedEvent += new WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX.ConnectedDelegate(wodFtpDLX_ConnectedEvent);
    wodFtpDLX.FtpReplyEvent += new WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpDLX.FtpReplyDelegate(wodFtpDLX_FtpReplyEvent);

    // Set default connection parameters to connect
    wodFtpDLX.Hostname = "xx";
    wodFtpDLX.Login = "xx";
    wodFtpDLX.Password = "xx";

    // Initiate connection


// In order to receive reply to FEAT command, we will use FTPReply Event. Once "FEAT" is executed, we can
// check ReplyText for server's response to command.
void wodFtpDLX_FtpReplyEvent(object Sender, WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpReplyArgs Args)
    if (Args.Command == "FEAT")
        FEATResponse = Args.ReplyText;

// Once connection is made, display response to FEAT command.
void wodFtpDLX_ConnectedEvent(object Sender, WeOnlyDo.Client.FtpConnectedArgs Args)
    MessageBox.Show(FEATResponse, "Following features are supported on server:", MessageBoxButtons.OK);