Check-Server-capabilities - WeOnlyDo Software example code


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All ** [Visual Basic] ** [C#] ** [VB.NET] **

Check Server capabilities
VB code
Dim WithEvents wodSMTP As wodSmtpCom
Private Sub Form_Load()

    Set wodSMTP = New wodSmtpCom

    With wodSMTP
        .HostName = "your_smtp_server"
        .Login = "your_login"
        .Password = "your_password"
        ' Use Username/Password Authentication
        .Authentication = AuthLogin
    End With

    ' Connect to your SMTP server
End Sub

' Once successfully connected to server, we will attempt to send out e-mail.
Private Sub wodSMTP_Connected(ByVal Capabilities As String)
    MsgBox Capabilities, vbOKOnly, "Capabilities supported by server:"
End Sub

' This event is used just for debugging purposes. It will display component States
' as it connects to server and sends the message.
Private Sub wodSMTP_StateChange(ByVal OldState As WODSMTPCOMLib.SmtpStates)
    Debug.Print "State changed to " & wodSMTP.StateText
End Sub
VB.Net code
Dim WithEvents wodSMTP As WODSMTPCOMLib.wodSmtpCom
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    wodSMTP = New WODSMTPCOMLib.wodSmtpCom

    With wodSMTP
        .Hostname = "your_smtp_server"
        .Login = "your_login"
        .Password = "your_password"

        ' Use Username/Password Authentication
        .Authentication = WODSMTPCOMLib.SmtpAuthentications.AuthLogin
    End With

    ' Connect to your SMTP server

End Sub

' Once successfully connected to server, we will attempt to send out e-mail.
Private Sub wodSMTP_Connected(ByVal Capabilities As String)
    MsgBox(Capabilities, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Capabilities supported by server:")
End Sub

' This event is used just for debugging purposes. It will display component States
' as it connects to server and sends the message.
Private Sub wodSMTP_StateChange(ByVal OldState As WODSMTPCOMLib.SmtpStates)
    Debug.Print("State changed to " & wodSMTP.StateText)
End Sub
C# code
private WODSMTPCOMLib.wodSmtpCom wodSMTP;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    wodSMTP = new WODSMTPCOMLib.wodSmtpCom();

    wodSMTP.Connected += new WODSMTPCOMLib._IwodSmtpComEvents_ConnectedEventHandler(wodSMTP_Connected);
    wodSMTP.StateChange += new WODSMTPCOMLib._IwodSmtpComEvents_StateChangeEventHandler(wodSMTP_StateChange);

    wodSMTP.HostName = "your_smtp_server";
    wodSMTP.Login = "your_login";
    wodSMTP.Password = "your_password";
    // Use Username/Password Authentication
    wodSMTP.Authentication = WODSMTPCOMLib.SmtpAuthentications.AuthLogin;

    // Connect to your SMTP server

    // This event is used just for debugging purposes. It will display component States
    // as it connects to server and sends the message.
    void wodSMTP_StateChange(WODSMTPCOMLib.SmtpStates OldState)
        Console.WriteLine("State changed to " + wodSMTP.get_StateText(wodSMTP.State));

    // Once successfully connected to server, we will attempt to send out e-mail.
    void wodSMTP_Connected(string Capabilities)
        MessageBox.Show(Capabilities, "Capabilities supported by server:", MessageBoxButtons.OK);