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List of enumerations used in wodFtpDLX.NET.

AuthenticationsList of authentications supported by wodFtpDLX.NET.
DirFormatsExpected file listing type on the server.
DirItemTypesType of the item accessible through DirItems property.
EncryptionMethodsPossible encryption algorithms that can be used in SFTP and FTPS protocols.
IntegrityCheckTypesUsed with LocalCRC and RemoteCRC methods. They determine what algorithm is used to perform file integrity check for local files, and for remote files (if supported by the server).
ProtocolsProtocols that can be used in wodFtpDLX.NET.
ProxyTypesAll proxy types supported by wodFtpDLX.NET.
SslProtocolsSupported SSL/TLS protocols.
StatesAll possible states that can occur in wodFtpDLX.NET during a session.
TimezonesEnumSupported timezone conversions when dealing with dates.
TransferModesDetermine if wodFtpDLX.NET will perform Binary or AscII file transfer, as known in FTP protocol.

