Frequently Asked Questions

How to connect to server with private key in wodSFTP.NET?

Here is example how to connect to server with PrivateKey:

 sftp = New WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP
 key = New WeOnlyDo.Security.Cryptography.KeyManager

 sftp.Authentication = WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.Authentications.PublicKey
 sftp.Hostname = "your_hostname"
 sftp.Login = "your_login"
 sftp.PrivateKey = key.PrivateKey(WeOnlyDo.Security.Cryptography.SSHKeyTypes.RSAKey)

PublicKey is part of PrivateKey. If you wish to connect to server with PrivateKey, server need to have your PublicKey.
You can generate and save PrivateKey and PublicKey with wodKeyManager.NET component.
wodKeyManager.NET component is part of wodSFTP.NET component.

 Last updated Fri, Nov 8 2013 12:00am

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