Send mp4 video to client (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)
How send mp4 file (in streaming) to the client browser from wodWebServer
Send mp4 video to client
Hi Crisitiano,
I already sent you reply to same request inside our ticketing system. Here is info what you need to do to play video using wodWebServer.
It's important that you change Content-Type to appropriate one when you want to open video inside browser.
So you can try something like this inside RequestHeaders Event:
Private Sub Http1_RequestHeaders(ByVal User As WODWEBSERVERCOMLib.IWebUser)
If User.Request.PageName = "video.mp4" Then
User.Response.Headers.Add "Content-Type", "video/mp4"
End If
End Sub
Let us know how it goes.
WeOnlyDo! Software - Internet Security Components
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