ftp user ssl (General questions)
I must create a new connection with an extern client, using ftps (ftp with the ssl protocol). I have a certificate and a private key created on the system and I have a vbs script created that should do the job. After some errors testing with the vbs script I have come to the part to connect to the client. I get no errors but nothing happens and after some time I get a time out on the connection:
This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Code: 800A05B4
I am doing something wrong, I have tried the protocol setting to 4 or 3 but that is not allowed. I have tried the passive mode in 0 and no result. I also can't find any logfile. I think i am almost there....
My script looks like this:
Option Explicit
Const ForAppend = 8
Dim objFTP, lst, cert, certificate, authCertificate
Dim Logfile, fsobject
sub Log(txt)
Logfile.writeline now & & txt
end sub
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodFtpDLXCom.1 , wod_ )
Sub wod_Connected(ErrorCode, ErrorText)
If not ErrorCode = 0 then
wscript.quit 1
End If
End Sub
Sub wod_Done(ErrorCode, ErrorText)
If not ErrorCode = 0 then
wscript.quit 1
End If
End Sub
Set cert = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.Certificate.1 )
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodFtpDLXCom.1 , wod_ )
Set objFTP.Certificate = cert
cert.Loadkey D:install st.rsa , password
cert.Load D:install st.cer , password
objFTP.Hostname = clientname
objFTP.Protocol = 2
objFTP.Port = 990
objFTP.Passive = 1
objFTP.Authentication = authCertificate
objFTP.Login = clientname
objFTP.Password = password
objFTP.Blocking = 1
objFTP.GetFiles d:AZR-NLALG , /
I can't find anything about ftp using ssl in your documentation, thats why I use the knowledge database.
Can you please help me? I hope I have send you enough information.
Re: ftp user ssl
Are you sure that you need to use Implicit SSL at all? Please try setting Protocol to 2 or 3.
Also, Protocol, Port and Passive properties don't require quote characters. They aren't String type, so quotes shouldn't be used. You should either specify them as integer, boolean, or they're respective enumeration values.
One more thing. Are you sure that you even need certificate authentication at all?
Re: ftp user ssl
Hello Damba,
Thanx for replying so fast.
I am not sure that I must use Implicit SSL. I Think that you mean port 990? I can connect to the client by using a gui and there I use port 990. Must I use another port in the script?
I have tried setting protocol 2 and 3 but I get the same result.
We use in all our scripts quoted strings and it works. So everytime we create a new script we use the same parameters.
Your last question in your reply, you refer to the authentication property? We use this property for ftp for SSH, but the use of ftp for SSL is new to us. I must use the certificate and private key. I need those two files also in het gui.
Are you sure that you need to use Implicit SSL at all? Please try setting Protocol to 2 or 3.
Also, Protocol, Port and Passive properties don't require quote characters. They aren't String type, so quotes shouldn't be used. You should either specify them as integer, boolean, or they're respective enumeration values.
One more thing. Are you sure that you even need certificate authentication at all?
Re: ftp user ssl
You have a gui application that works? There should be no differences between GUI app and Script code. Both should work by setting the same parameters.
Please note that you're trying to set Protocol property to 2, while setting Port to 990. Protocol 2 is regular FTPS (using Auth SSL command), while port 990 is used for Implicit SSL (which doesn't use Auth SSL). This *could* be the reason why you would receive a timeout error since component would connect (and there is server on 990 who will accept connection) but further communication wouldn't be possible.
Re: ftp user ssl
Hello Demba,
I have looked at the properties of the site in the gui and I use port 990. I have tried to use port 21 but that's not working. In the properties in the gui I also refer to the global settings of the gui.
In the properties of the site in the gui I also set the setting of the options 'Data Connection Type' and 'Transfer Type' to Use global settings .
In the global settings in the security/SSL security section I set the certificate and private key.
I have tried different options in my wodftp script:
- change the protocol settings from 2 to 3.
- remove the protocol setting from the script.
- use port 21 instead of port 990.
- test the script by removing the authentication setting.
Every test I am getting the same result: Time out in the connect setting .
Maybe I have started wrong by copying a working script with ftp to SSH to a script and now working with ftp and SSL.
I need to use the certificate and the private ket and I think I have set those two files correctly in my script. Is de use of global setting a problem?
You have a gui application that works? There should be no differences between GUI app and Script code. Both should work by setting the same parameters.
Please note that you're trying to set Protocol property to 2, while setting Port to 990. Protocol 2 is regular FTPS (using Auth SSL command), while port 990 is used for Implicit SSL (which doesn't use Auth SSL). This *could* be the reason why you would receive a timeout error since component would connect (and there is server on 990 who will accept connection) but further communication wouldn't be possible.
Re: ftp user ssl
I'm not sure what you're reffering to a gui. You're using Control (.ocx) and referring to properties on the Control?
If so, please try setting properties in code instead.
As for Protocol / Port, 990 is used for FTPSImplicit protocol, which is setting 4 in wodFtpDLX. Please try setting it accordingly.
Re: ftp user ssl
Hello Damba,
I have used protocol 4 with port 990 in the script and yes I am a step further. Now I get an error in the next scriptline:
objFTP.GetFiles d:AZR-NLALG , / . In this part I want to get 3 files from the client to my own server.
The error I get is: SSL protocol error . This was the reason I tried also protocol 2 and 3.
I have tried to get the files with the gui and this works.
Thanks Ed
Re: ftp user ssl
What are you referring to as gui ? Gui as in .ocx, or gui application you made? Or gui, as in our sample?
You need to provide us more details. Please have in mind that I don't see the issue you're experiencing. Is there any chance we can reproduce this?
The error you're receiving is usual when i.e. SSH is used instead of FTPS where FTPS should be used.
Re: ftp user ssl
Apologize for my answers. By using GUI I mean the graphical user Inferface. In our company we are using GlobalSCAPE CuteFTP as GUI and in my answers I refer to that gui. We are not allowed to use any other gui as CuteFTP and in that gui I refer to the site properties with use SSL Inplicit (port 990). Also in that gui I use global settings for my certificate and private key.
I can understand that the error is unusual for you. I send you my script that gave the protocol error. Maybe this is helpfull for you?
Option Explicit
Const ForAppend = 8
Dim objFTP, lst, cert, certificate, authCertificate
Dim Logfile, fsobject
sub Log(txt)
Logfile.writeline now & & txt
end sub
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodFtpDLXCom.1 , wod_ )
Sub wod_Connected(ErrorCode, ErrorText)
If not ErrorCode = 0 then
wscript.quit 1
End If
End Sub
Sub wod_Done(ErrorCode, ErrorText)
If not ErrorCode = 0 then
wscript.quit 1
End If
End Sub
Set cert = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.Certificate.1 )
Set objFTP = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodFtpDLXCom.1 , wod_ )
Set objFTP.Certificate = cert
cert.Loadkey D:install st.rsa , password
cert.Load D:install st.cer , password
objFTP.Hostname = username
objFTP.Protocol = 4
objFTP.Port = 990
objFTP.Passive = 1
objFTP.Authentication = authCertificate
objFTP.Login = username
objFTP.Password = password
objFTP.Blocking = 1
objFTP.GetFiles d:AZR-NLALG , /
Thannks Ed
What are you referring to as gui ? Gui as in .ocx, or gui application you made? Or gui, as in our sample?
You need to provide us more details. Please have in mind that I don't see the issue you're experiencing. Is there any chance we can reproduce this?
The error you're receiving is usual when i.e. SSH is used instead of FTPS where FTPS should be used.
Re: ftp user ssl
What happens if you remove quote characters from Protocol, Port and Passive Properties values? They shouldn't be used there.
[code]objFTP.Protocol = 4
objFTP.Port = 990
objFTP.Passive = 1 [/code]
Re: ftp user ssl
Hello Drazen/Damba,
I removed the quotes, but I got the same error in the same scriptline:
SSL protocol error
code: 800AEA60
Re: ftp user ssl
Can you maybe send us log from some client that can connect to your server? For example FileZilla.
You can also send us DebugFile Property output from wodFtpDLX.
[code]dlx1.DebugFile = c:\debug.txt
so we can compare them and try to determine why issue occur.
You can send those logs to techsupport@weonlydo.com
Re: ftp user ssl
Hello WeOnlyDo,
Several weeks ago we have discussed the problem about making a connection with ftp over ssl. in one of your replies you ask if it was possible that you can test the connection yourself.
The last weeks I have tried to make this possible in our company and the client. Finally yesterday I get the permission so I can deliver you everything you need so you can test it yourself.
I have a certificate and a private key with the passwords.
I have mij own vbs script I use and that includes all the parameters.
Is that enough for you? And can you tell me how I send all the files to WeOnlyDo?
Kind regards.
Ed Weijma
Can you maybe send us log from some client that can connect to your server? For example FileZilla.You can also send us DebugFile Property output from wodFtpDLX.
[code]dlx1.DebugFile = c:\debug.txt
so we can compare them and try to determine why issue occur.You can send those logs to techsupport@weonlydo.com
Re: ftp user ssl
Thanks, you can send this info to techsupport@weonlydo.com