Garbage at the end of file (wodCrypt)
Hi all,
I'm evaluating the Crypt component for my company. We currently
have a piece of software (which is old, we don't have any source
etc etc --don't you just love these situations ?) that
produces a file.
This file is Blowfish-encrypted, and we have the key.
I have tried the wodCrypt component to decrypt it. It works, BUT
at the end of file, I get:
The very last line should be:
Please note that the file is about 2KB, and everything else is
decrypted OK. The problem is just the last line.
For the test, I used the Delphi sample, right out of the
installation. I have made only one modification: In Button2Click instead of
inblob.text := memo2.text;
I have:
Maybe this has anything to do with EOF ? Is there a workaround ?
Thanks for your time,
Dimitris Andrakakis
inATES Development Team
ECDL Hellas S.A.