SFTP Connection Hangs (General questions)
We're using the FtpDLX class to connect to an SFTP server. We have Blocking set to true so that we can wait for the Connect method to finish.
We're finding that this hangs and never returns. The only fix is to restart the app. We suspect that at this time there was some disruption to the network (i'm not sure exactly what this was).
I've done some googling and came across this earlier forum discussion (http://www.weonlydo.com/index.asp?forum=1&action=view&topic=1147454737#1147454737). Was this ever resolved?
Many thanks,
David Pearson
C# Developer at GMSL
Re: SFTP Connection Hangs
Hi David,
Do you set Timeout property before calling Connect method? To what value do you set it?
Does this happen from some other machine or only this one?
Can you try our samples? Does it happen with them?
If you try non-blocking mode, does Connected event occur?
I can't really tell anything related to that forum post, since we don't keep an archive that old.
Re: SFTP Connection Hangs
Yes we are setting the timeout. It is variable in our application, but would normally be set to 10 seconds.
I haven't looked at your samples. If you can point me to them i will look at them to see if there is something we are missing.
An example of the sort of thing that might cause it to hang is that our company's internet connection disappears for a short time. When the connection comes back up the application has to be restarted.
I was hoping this was a known issue with a simple solution! [:smile:]
Re: SFTP Connection Hangs
Are you using wodFtpDLX ActiveX or wodFtpDLX.Net?
What version of component do you use?
As for the samples, we provide them along with the component. Any of them should be fine.
Re: SFTP Connection Hangs
We are sing the .Net component. It is version according to the C# IDE.
Re: SFTP Connection Hangs
Ok. Can you please try the samples as previously suggested?
Re: SFTP Connection Hangs
Can you please confirm that we are on the latest version of this component?
If i look at properties of the reference in the C# IDE i see Version: and Runtime Version: v2.0.50727 .
Re: SFTP Connection Hangs
No, you're not using the latest version. There is one major release available (1.7.0) you can try.