Error of invalid username / password reported by s (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)
I'm trying to use a private key to connect to the ftp server
and, it's returning a error code of invalid username or password
I'm using powerbuilder with wodftpdlx
should I be setting the certificate field to
ole_ftp.object.certificate = ole_cer.privatekey ?
ole_cer = CREATE oleobject
ole_cer.ConnectToNewObject( WeOnlyDo.Certificate.1 )
ole_ftp.object.hostname = ftp_site
ole_ftp.object.login = ftp_acc
ole_ftp.object.certificate = ole_cer
ole_ftp.object.authentication = 2
ole_ftp.object.transfermode = 0
ole_ftp.object.blocking = 0
ole_ftp.object.protocol = 1
ole_ftp.object.compression = 6
ole_ftp.object.passive = 1
ole_ftp.object.port = 22
Also... thru other ftp packages... I'm being told
that I can do something like this
sftp -vvv j05law03@
would would set tracing to on, on the host end
can that be done, in this package?
Re: Error of invalid username / password reported
No. However, did you try connecting to that host with same private key using any other client application? Does it with?