SFTP.NET component questions (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)
I have a single Developer SFTP.Net component license. I have a couple of questions:
1) Can I redistribute it royalty free with any number of my applications?
2) Is it xcopy deployable or do I need to run the MSI installer on each client machine?
If its xcopy deployable, is anything else required than the 2 dlls, WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.dll and WeOnlyDo.Security.Cryptography.KeyManager.dll
Re: SFTP.NET component questions
Hi Rahul,
Let me try answering the questions:
1) Yes, you can distribute in any number of applications
2) You can simply copy the .dll along with your application (i.e. copy your output folder to distribution machine). You don't need to install the .msi installer on each machine.
Re: SFTP.NET component questions
Thanks Damba, that's great!!