Please help with searching (General questions)
Good day!
We are now testing searching for our IMAP server and have some problems
with it - the search for message's body is not working, although ReadMessage event is called.
To be honest, i am hardly andestand what way search is have to work. Can you please clarify it, may be with some sample?
Re: Please help with searching
I'm not quite sure what exactly the problem is. Can you please provide more details? What steps do we need to do to reproduce the behaviour you are experiencing?
As for the samples, they're installed along with the component. Can you try them out?
Re: Please help with searching
I am sent test project to the techsupport.
This is the same test project, but now for demonstrate searching issue. The Bat! cant find text string in message's body. Outlook perform search only for already fetched messages.
Re: Please help with searching
We didn't receive the sample yet. Can you please verify that you sent it to
However, I just tried our Full VB sample, and it works like a charm with Mozilla and The Bat clients. In Bat I simply went to Tools -> Search and entered text i wanted to search for.
Can you try the same on your side?