example on AutoIt language (wodXMPP)
Dear developer, please make an example in a scripting language AutoIt. Or even be an example of how to get the message.
Thank you.
example on AutoIt language
or make an example of receiving a message at VBS (these languages are very similar)
Re: example on AutoIt language
Unfortunately, we're no AutoIt developers so I'm not sure how much we can help with questions related to it.
However, in order to receive a message, you need to implement IncomingMessage event. Once you receive a message from someone, XMPPContact and XMPPMessage objects are provided there.
As for VBS sample, although an event could be implemented, there is nothing to keep the application / script *alive*. In other words, the component would connect and exit.
However, since VBS uses VB syntax, I would suggest checking the VB6 samples.
Hope this helps.
Re: example on AutoIt language
Thank you for your reply. I'm just learning programming, and I do not know other languages. I find it hard to understand the example in VB.
About VBS: please show the theoretical example of how it should be on VBS.
When I have everything working, I can send you an example in Autoit, so you add it to their base example, if you want.
Please take a look at the description of the implementation of the COM in the language AutoIt: Online Documentation
Thank you.
Re: example on AutoIt language
Well, theoretically it should look something like this in VBS (our simple sample, just added IncomingMessage event, and additional comment):
[code]Option Explicit
Set XMPP1 = WScript.CreateObject( WeOnlyDo.wodXMPPCom.1 , wod_ )
' please change these lines, from here
WScript.echo Please edit this file to setup Login and Password properties
XMPP1.Login = somename@wippien.com
XMPP1.Password = password
XMPP1.Blocking = True
'XMPP1.Register = True ' register new account
'XMPP1.Contacts.Add( someone@wippien.com ).Subscribe ' you can add someone to your contact list...
XMPP1.SendText someone@wippien.com , Hello there!
'Some kind of a message loop
'should be implemented here
'to keep wodXMPP working,
'since it would otherwise die
'at the end of script execution
Sub wod_Disconnected()
WScript.Echo Done and disconnected
End Sub
Sub wod_IncomingMessage(Contact, Message)
WScript.Echo Message From & Contact.JID & vbcrlf & Text: & Message.Text
End Sub[/code]
Hope this helps.