tunnel web requests (General questions)
hello there,
I am trying to use this component as a tunnel proxy.. for example
1. my own software connects to wodHttpDLX tunnel server
2. wodHttpDLX tunnel server sends request to page
3. page sends answer to wodHttpDLX tunnel server
4. wodHttpDLX tunnel server sends answer to my software
5. my software shows me logged in to website
Re: tunnel web requests
Hi Klinzter,
wodHttpDLX supports proxy. You can find proxy types that are supported in wodHttpDLX inside ProxyType Property.
More help about ProxyType Property you can find here:
Also you can use ProxyPort, ProxyLogin and ProxyPassword Properties if you need it for your proxy server.
Let us know how it goes.
Re: tunnel web requests
no you dont understand what im trying to use wodHttpDLX for.. im trying to use it as a tunnel server for parsin data between software and a website
Re: tunnel web requests
Unfortunately you cannot use wodHttpDLX as any server. You can use it only as a client. So I don't think you can accomplish that with wodHttpDLX.
We have wodWebServer ActiveX component. wodWebServer is http/https server component. Inside this component you can parse client request/response. I'm not sure if this can help you somehow.