wodWebServer ActiveX Upload Large file (General questions)
Hello again,
This topic is rather a discussion than a straight question. I'm playing around with uploading photos/files from a form post to the server. I have found following issues (please correct if wrong):
1. The posted data is actually stored in memory and never written to disk. For large files (20 MB) the server application starts to become unstable and less responsive.
2. By inspecting the header you can find the upload size but there is no way to find progress during upload.
3. How can I cancel an upload? I'm using the Implements Interface.
I have searched for a script to upload files in chunks and let the server save the stream, but without success.
I would suggest a property PostLimit in kb (default unlimited), and if the upload exceeds that limit the data is written to a temp file (stream storage). In addition an event could be raised PostWitten(bytesWritten as long, bytesTotal as long).
Any feedback is appreciated
Re: wodWebServer ActiveX Upload Large file
Please skip my comments. I just realized that this has been added to 1.5.3. I get back after evaluation.
Re: wodWebServer ActiveX Upload Large file
Hello again,
I have done som testing with the new upload functions in version 1.5.3. Overall a very nice implementation, but with some restrictions.
The IwodWebNotify_RequestHeaders() Event is fired before any data arrives. Filename and file size can be checked here, but I have NOT found a way to cancel/prevent the request within this event. User.Response.StatusCode = Forbidden does not cancel the upload.
IwodWebNotify_UploadFilename is fired ONLY if posted header contain Content-Type: multipart/form-data with boundary specified. Many AJAX upload samples does not use these headers.Part. FileName is a nice feature where the user can specify upload destination but if the file can't be created (e.g. invalid filename) wodWebServer will crash.
IwodWebNotify_RequestDone() is fired when upload is completed, thus its too late to cancel the upload from this event.
Overall nice work but with potential for improvements. Please let me know if have misunderstood some things.
Re: wodWebServer ActiveX Upload Large file
Hi Michael,
Did you maybe try to use User.Disconnect Method to cancel file upload?
Is there any chance we can duplicate problem with AJAX file upload? Maybe you can send us some simple sample to techsupport@weonlydo.com that will duplicate this problem.
Let us know how it goes.
Re: wodWebServer ActiveX Upload Large file
Hello again,
I just sent samples to reproduce the problems. Check your inbox.
Cancelling upload from RequestHeaders didn't work using 'user.Disconnect'. VB hang for a while before it crashed.
Let me know if you can reproduce the problem