Re: Huge files over 500 MB? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Huge files over 500 MB? (General questions)

by cyman, Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 00:14 (5364 days ago) @ wodSupport


Thanks. I do think that it would be most efficient to check for the ending part of a file as it is streamed from the client initially.

Another technique is the just seek to the end and assume that there is one large file being uploaded, get the last 5000 bytes and then you know where it starts and stops.

Can you let me know your plan to addressing the issue of large files? Because my own coding plan is dependent on that.

Hi. I will check it out, but please note that wodWebServer needs to parse the file line by line and search for boundaries that split files that are uploaded. So, if file is large, this can be pretty lenghty process.

Unlike applications, wodWebServer component doesn't have the ability to postpone processing or fire it in separate thread, since programmer can access the property any time he wishes.


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