Re: Multiple Clients to One Server - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Multiple Clients to One Server (General questions)

by wodDamir, Monday, February 22, 2010, 17:12 (5387 days ago) @ Silverio


It doesn't work that way. Please have in mind that wodVPN is a peer-to-peer component (client only). So in order to accomplish this, you need to create another instance for each incoming client.


In your example we have 3 PC's. Client A (let's call it Server A), Client B, and Client C.

Server A:
- we need two instances of wodVPN (wodVPN1, wodVPN2)
- wodVPN1 starts listening on port 62001
- wodVPN2 starts listening on port 62002

Client B:
- start listening on any port
- connect to A: 62001

Client C:
- start listening on any port
- connect to A: 62002

and so on for each of the next clients.

What happens in your case is that Server A is already connected to Client B, and is no longer listening for incoming connections. That's why you start another instance, and start listening again.

Hope this helps.


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