Re: Need to wrap ONE application inside VPN connet - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Need to wrap ONE application inside VPN connet (General questions)

by David Alfonso, Saturday, January 02, 2010, 16:51 (5438 days ago) @ wodSupport

It would only use a single port (i.e. 22, 80, 139, 445). I am trying to accomplish what apps like

The allow you to basically proxify one or more apps.

- David


do you need to do this for only one connection, or you need full range of services to be redirected (including ICMP packets)?

I don't think you can do full network redirect on per application basis. For example, if data arrives from remote side, how can you tell it's FOR your application? If rmote side initiated ping , is it for your application or not?

So, I think you should redirect exact TCP or UDP ports - and we can help there.

Hope I helped.

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