Access remote Windows client by WodSSH - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Access remote Windows client by WodSSH (wodSSHServer)

by emc, Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 20:46 (5467 days ago)


I'm using WodSSH to connect remote UNIX and Linux clients. Works very well.
I'm now wondering if it works for remote Windows clients as well, since Windows clients have built-in telnet service, so it may be possible.

Will it work? and what about connecting to Windows clients by SSH? Is there any built-in SSH service in Windows clients?

If you have documentation about it, please let me know.


Re: Access remote Windows client by WodSSH

by woddrazen, Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 21:00 (5467 days ago) @ emc


wodSSH should work with Windows SSH and Telnet servers. There is Windows Telnet server build inside Windows OS but far as I know there is no SSH support.

If you want to use SSH protocol that I would suggest you FreeSSHd (our wodSSHServer is used under the hood) and CopSSH. Both of them supports SSH protocol.

Of course wodSSH should work with them without any problem.

Hope I helped.
