Re: Testing WodSSH prompt - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Testing WodSSH prompt (General questions)

by Tamir, Monday, October 26, 2009, 21:01 (5505 days ago) @ woddrazen

Thanks. I'll clarify myself.

The default prompt in my app is your suggested regex regex:[$ #>] $ and it covers most of situations. But my question is about the other situations when it's not covered. I'm looking for a simple way to suggest my users to customize the prompt by themselves, offering them to change the prompt and immediately test it (in run-time). For instance, changing the prompt to regex:blah-blah $ and then test it on the remote server. I'm wondering what test I should do on the remote server to make sure that the prompt is well-defined.


Hi Tamil,

Why don't you try to use regular expressions inside Prompt Property?

You can try with:

\$ #>

means it will accept any of those chars (\,$, ,#,>) if they appear at the end of the line. This includes 99.9 of most UNIX command prompts (including root account).

More help for Prompt Property you can find here:

If I maybe didn't understand your question, can you maybe explain it little bit more so we can try to help you?

Let us know how it goes.


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