'+' character in filenames - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

'+' character in filenames (General questions)

by lszokoli, Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 12:33 (5532 days ago)


I use LoopFiles method to copy files from Unix to Windows.
I have problem with filenames containing '+' character.

For example if I have a file named /EDM_EXPORT/EHE130/TGORBE/tg_HU000130B11-U-STRABAG-RT-DEBRECEN_20090928_095707_9224_+A.xml then the RemoteFile property of Args variable in LoopItemEvent will contain only /EDM_EXPORT/EHE130/TGORBE/tg_HU000130B11-U-STRABAG-RT-DEBRECEN_20090928_095707_9224_.xml , so the '+A' is deleted form the filename.

What is this and what is the solution?

I use wodSFTP.NET v3.0.6.41.

Thanks in advance!
Laszlo Szokoli

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