Re: I/O Problem - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: I/O Problem (General questions)

by Christian, Friday, August 14, 2009, 19:53 (5579 days ago) @ wodDamir

Hi Christian,

Where are you storing the file?

Can you please provide me with LocalPath parameter specified in PutFile?

Does file transfer to/from same locaation work with any other client (FileZilla?)??


The file is on my local C: drive. Since I'm still in development, I'm simply using a small text file for testing purposes.

Yes, I can transfer the file via FileZilla, so I know that the external site is functioning properly. I was able to use the native FTP functionality in .Net to send files previously, but ran into some issues when the files became larger than ~50MB. That's one of the reasons for switching to a third-party tool.

Are there any other logs I can write into the code to provide more insight into the problem?


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