Re: VCard - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: VCard (General questions)

by Varchas, Friday, June 12, 2009, 20:41 (5642 days ago) @ wodDamir

Hello Damba,
Now after installing the latest 1.3.3 version, I do get the VCardDetails function, but this is the code I am calling inside
void CJabberVC6Dlg::XMPP_VCardDetails(LPDISPATCH Contact, BOOL Partial)
IXMPPContact cnt;
cnt.AttachDispatch(Contact) ;
IXMPPVCard myvcard ;
myvcard.AttachDispatch(cnt.GetVCard()) ;
AfxMessageBox(myvcard.GetJid()) ;

The GetJid() returns and so no information is present. Is the code in that function correct?
Thanks for the help. We are almost there :)
Varchas R S


Can you please update to latest version and use your previous code:

[code]IXMPPVCard mycard ;
mycard.AttachDispatch(m_XMPP.GetVCard()) ;
mycard.Receive() ; [/code]

Seems there was a small bug with gmail contacts, where server replied with Feature not implemented for some reason.

The latest version should resolve this problem.

Can you please update and try it out?


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