wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004 (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)
I've just downloaded the wodSFTP.NET component to use it as a transport type for my ports in BizTalk 2004. Is it possible to convert this component into an adapter to be selected inside BizTalk 2004? if so, Could you please tell me how to go about doing this?
Note: I'm using the adapter wizard for VS.NET -
to create the adapters but not quite sure how to integrate wodSFTP into it!! and/or how do I go about using in BizTalk 2004?
Thank you and hope to hear from you very soon.
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
I don't know much about BizTalk adapters. Would you know how to make regular FTP adapter, or HTTP adapter, using classes that already exist in NET framework? If you know - then adding wodSFTP.NET inside would be really easy.
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
I need to know what properties to add to the send and receive handlers and end-points so the user can modify these properties as desired?!
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
to send file, you need this as input:
Hostname, Login, Password, LocalFile, RemoteFile
once you know that, you can add code like this to upload file:
Sftp1.Blocking = True
Sftp1.Hostname = hostname
Sftp1.Login = login
Sftp1.Password = password
Sftp1.PutFile LocalFile, RemoteFile
and that's it. It's almost the same for download - just use GetFile instead.
I hope above helps.
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
do I need to set the MaxBufferSize and TimeOut or no need to that?
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
no need to set them. You can play with that later on, but it's not neccessary.
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
I've maanged to create a simple SFTP adapter using wodSFTP.NET. However, I keeep getting the following error in my code:
Could not read licensing data. If running from ASPX please contact general@weonlydo.com
at n.af()
at WeOnlyDo.Client.SFTP.Connect()
and the following is a snapshot of what appears in the Event Viewer:
The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port SFTP://k/true/Server IP Address/kali/needlecast//Kamal/false/C:TestSFTPkt.txt . It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. .
Is it suppose to have the following structure:
//uri.InnerText = SFTP:// + LicenseKey.InnerText + / + Blocking.InnerText + / + Hostname.InnerText + / + Login.InnerText + / + Password.InnerText + / + RemotePath.InnerText + / + Timeout.InnerText + / + FileName.InnerText;
or this is just wrong?!
thank you and hope to hear from you very soon...
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
If you have licensed copy of wodSFTP.NET, please set LicenseKey property. Otherwise, please contact us at techsupport@weonlydo.com to send you temporary 30 days license to use it in ASP.NET.
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
How should the URI look like though?
Re: wodSFTP.NET and BizTalk 2004
Sorry, I don't know much about BizTalk and how it integrates to shell, so I cannot say how should URI look like.