Re: WodSmtp is making my exe Not Responding - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: WodSmtp is making my exe Not Responding (General questions)

by dnweonlydo, Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 10:01 (5665 days ago) @ woddrazen

My dear Friend,

Here is my detailed code, which me using in my VB Exe.We are using our SMTP Server, so we dont need to Authenticate.
i have one query
if i setted my Smtp.timeout=30 seconds, then why my exe was in Sleeping Mode? it must be through any ERROR after 30 seconds atleast TIMEOUT Error.

Function SendMsg(pInStrFrom As String, pInStrTo As String, pInStrCC As String, _
pInStrBCC As String, pInStrSubject As String, pInStrBody As String, _
pInStrMIMEType As String) As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrWhlSendMsg
Dim smtp1 As New WODSMTPCOMLib.wodSmtpCom
smtp1.LicenseKey = XXXX-YYYYYY-ZZZZZ
smtp1.Timeout = CInt(Val(strSMTPTimeOutMs) / 1000)
smtp1.Blocking = True
smtp1.HostName = strMailIP
With smtp1.Message
.To = pInStrTo
.From = pInStrFrom
.Subject = pInStrSubject
.HTMLText = pInStrBody
End With
Set smtp1 = Nothing
SendMsg = 1

Exit Function
Set smtp1 = Nothing
SendMsg = 0
lognotify SendMsg , ERROR , Err.Number, Err.Description
End Function

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