Re: Missing wait for response in buffer an - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Missing wait for response in buffer an (General questions)

by Sunny, Thursday, April 23, 2009, 16:48 (5692 days ago) @ wodDamir


I am experiencing a similar error. I don't know the exact pattern in my case. I tried using DataReady (below code) but I still am not getting the entire response. However if I run the code in debug mode I see that the DataReady piece is being hit and I am getting the entire response back.

while (Ssh1.DataReady > 0)
//Get data from buffer.
SaveLogMessage( Attempting to get Additional data from buffer );
response += Ssh1.Receive();



Yes, that's a possibility. That's why I asked that you try with exact prompt patterns in WaitFor.

This could be the issue, since in regex statement you wait for > which if not stripped is left in buffer.

You could also set DataReady property to 0 after each WaitFor, to make sure buffer is cleared.

Can you please try that?


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