Re: Upload only new/updated files using SFTP - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Upload only new/updated files using SFTP (General questions)

by wodDamir, Monday, January 19, 2009, 14:16 (5786 days ago) @ Davefyfe

Hi Dave,

wodSFTP doesn't compare on it's own, so this is something that you will have to implement. I would suggest that you try using GetAttributes method, along with Attributes event, to check properties (such as Date and size) of remote file and only call Putfile for file that satisfies your condition.

Also, when doing multiple file uploads, you can use ListAttributes method and AttributesData event instead, since ListAttributes will list properties for each file found in specified directory. You can then compare local and remote file, and create a list of files that need to be uploaded.

Hope this helps.


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