wodSFTP send file to other server - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

wodSFTP send file to other server (General questions)

by venkat kankanala, Friday, July 23, 2004, 08:39 (7438 days ago)

I have downloaded wodSFTP evaluation copy and installed in one system. I am using ASP program and trying to connect to Intranet server. Always i am getting the error Licence key missing. You can not use this componet in design environment even after i set anonymous user as Administrator. My question is where i need to install wodSFTP(ie in client or server). And from where i need to execute ASP page.

My requirement is ---I have an ASP page which generates on text file from database. I need to FTP this file to other machine. What i need to do. How to produce keys. Please help me to move further.

Thanks and regards

Venkat Kankanala

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodSupport, Saturday, July 24, 2004, 00:54 (7438 days ago) @ venkat kankanala


this is defenetely permissions problem. IIS is unable to read registry entry to check license key. Can you please double-check this, and go through steps explained in

'Getting started in ASP'

If you're not sure, try to create file from your ASP page and check who is the owner of the file later on from your explorer.

If problem persists, let me know, we'll figure something out.

Best regards,

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by timster, Friday, February 17, 2006, 00:00 (6865 days ago) @ wodSupport


I just ran into this problem today (I think... we are using the wod API from within another COM object that is called via CreateObject from ASP page) also and it drove me nuts because I thought it was something I was doing wrong!

So I need to verify that in order to use the DEMO version of wodFTPDlx in ASP page we can't use the standard IUSR_COMPUTERNAME account in IIS but must use an administrator account (or add the IUSR_COMPUTERNAME account to administrators group).

We absolutely can't ship a product that requires IIS to run in admin mode because of the HUGE security hole this opens up. [:uhoh:]

So PLEASE verify that the this issue will go away (ex. can use the regular IUSR_COMPUTERNAME account that has only guest access) in the full (licensed) version!!

We simply cannot use your product unless we can leave the default IIS config alone (ex. using the default IUSR_COMPUTERNAME with guest access).

FYI, in my case the connect() method was failing (I would hear the little chime but then the connect() would throw an exception after a while). Once I set IIS to use the admin account everything worked fine.

Thanks a bunch,


this is defenetely permissions problem. IIS is unable to read registry entry to check license key. Can you please double-check this, and go through steps explained in

'Getting started in ASP'

If you're not sure, try to create file from your ASP page and check who is the owner of the file later on from your explorer.

If problem persists, let me know, we'll figure something out.

Best regards,

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodSupport, Friday, February 17, 2006, 00:01 (6865 days ago) @ timster


I'm not sure what you're asking me. In licensed version there isn't such requirement, of course, noone would be dumb to run IIS in admin mode.

But for demo version... Hmm. That's another story.

Don't you agree?


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by timster, Friday, February 17, 2006, 00:16 (6865 days ago) @ wodSupport


I just wanted to make sure that the full licensed version of wodFTPDlx will work fine with the default IIS config (anonymous/guest access). That's all...

Hopefully we will get a full license soon, but if you could provide a demo version in the meantime that also worked with guest/anonymous access that would be AWESOME. [:cool:]



I'm not sure what you're asking me. In licensed version there isn't such requirement, of course, noone would be dumb to run IIS in admin mode.

But for demo version... Hmm. That's another story.

Don't you agree?


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodSupport, Friday, February 17, 2006, 00:18 (6865 days ago) @ timster


sorry, we don't have such demo versions that would work from IIS. You must allow it access to the registry.

I think running IIS as regular user would work too, but have never personally tried.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by timster, Friday, February 17, 2006, 00:29 (6865 days ago) @ wodSupport


Bummer but I guess I can live with this limitation for the time being.

Note that it IS possible to read the HKLM section of the registry from COM object in IIS when using guest/anonymous account (I know because we do that in our COM object and it works with guest/anon account), but you can't read the HKCU section of the registry. I know that sounds strange, but that's how it seems to work for me?!

Are you sure it's a registry access problem, or maybe it's something else (like trying to display a GUI dialog from inside IIS?).


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodSupport, Friday, February 17, 2006, 00:31 (6865 days ago) @ timster


pretty sure. Even as Admin you still don't have privileges to display nag screen.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by Andy Dalglish, Thursday, January 31, 2008, 11:43 (6151 days ago) @ wodSupport


I am trying to evaluate this and although I have done all that the limited install instruction (you need to expand this!) I get the error message whhile running the sample page.

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01AD)
ActiveX component can't create object: 'WeOnlyDo.wodSFTPCom.1'
/FTPTest/sftp.asp, line 41

I have as far as I know done everything I can to ensure it is installed i.e. i have run the setup.

Can anyone help?

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by woddrazen, Thursday, January 31, 2008, 11:56 (6151 days ago) @ Andy Dalglish

Hi Andy,

Maybe you didn't install wodSFTP properly. Which OS you are using?

Can you please try on some other machine and let us know how it goes.

Let us know how it goes.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by Andy Dalglish, Thursday, January 31, 2008, 17:21 (6151 days ago) @ woddrazen

Hi Andy,

Maybe you didn't install wodSFTP properly. Which OS you are using?

Can you please try on some other machine and let us know how it goes.

Let us know how it goes.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodDamir, Thursday, January 31, 2008, 17:48 (6151 days ago) @ Andy Dalglish


You didn't post anything. Could you post the question you wanted to ask us?

The error that you posted in your last reply is related to the component not being installed properly. You should re-install the component and try the sample again.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by Andy Dalglish, Thursday, January 31, 2008, 18:03 (6151 days ago) @ wodDamir

reinstalling seemed to be the answer is working now but connection being refused, will look at it more tomorrow

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodDamir, Thursday, January 31, 2008, 18:19 (6151 days ago) @ Andy Dalglish


If you are getting the Connection is actively refused message, perhaps you aren't trying to connect to SFTP server?

What port are you connecting to? Standard port that SFTP uses is 22.

If you wish to check if the server is active on that machine you can do telnet your_host 22 from command prompt.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by Andy Dalglish, Friday, February 01, 2008, 10:21 (6150 days ago) @ wodDamir


I am trying to connect to a dev FTP server (FileZilla) and it is being refused I presume I need to setup the server to accept SFTP connections somehow.

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by Andy Dalglish, Friday, February 01, 2008, 10:37 (6150 days ago) @ Andy Dalglish


I am trying to connect to a dev FTP server (FileZilla) and it is being refused I presume I need to setup the server to accept SFTP connections somehow.

Actually I need to be able to connect to standard FTP servers with just a normal login e.g. USER/PASSWORD is wodSFTP the wrong thing to use, because I don't want or will not have the ability to change remote FTP co nfigurations.

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodDamir, Friday, February 01, 2008, 10:40 (6150 days ago) @ Andy Dalglish


FileZilla server doesn't support SFTP Protocol at all. However, I can suggest two solutions for you.

One is to try out a different SFTP Server solution. You can try freeFtpd (www.freeftpd.com) or freeSSHd (www.freesshd.com), or you can try some other server to suit your needs.

On the other hand, you can try our other product (wodFtpDLX) which supports standard FTP, as well as FTPS and SFTP protocols. This product can connect to FileZilla Server.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodDamir, Friday, February 01, 2008, 10:42 (6150 days ago) @ wodDamir


We were writing at the same time.

In that case I would suggest that you try wodFtpDLX instead. That product supports FTP, as well as other FTP-alike protocols.

You can also download the trial from our site, and try it out.Samples are included.


Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by Andy Dalglish, Friday, February 01, 2008, 15:54 (6150 days ago) @ wodDamir

In that case I would suggest that you try wodFtpDLX instead. That product supports FTP, as well as other FTP-alike protocols.

You can also download the trial from our site, and try it out.Samples are included.


Ok I did that your example still tries to connect to a sFTP server so I have had no luck at all, the fetch.asp only shows one type of connection I am afraid I am now looking elsewhere, and already have another component up and running straight out of the box.

A shame as I was impressed with your help however documentation/examples provided are insufficient to get it up and running, you will lose out on the sale here because of that.

Of all the components I have tried, documentation on deployment, usage references are too brief and assume to much knowledge on the users part, I would be looking at producing an idiots guide to using the component as if it was the 1st component ever used.

If the component has multiple functionality clear robust examples are needed too for each aspect, and finally a complete API reference for each of those aspects in the context it can used in is also required, I may have tried to bulid something if I had more info.

Re: wodSFTP send file to other server

by wodDamir, Friday, February 01, 2008, 16:11 (6150 days ago) @ Andy Dalglish


Sorry you feel that way. However, all you had to do in that sample in order to change the protocol is to edit the fetch.asp, and change:

[code]objConn.Protocol = 1[/code]

[code]objConn.Protocol = 0[/code]

As explained here the value 1 specifies SFTP Protocol (the sample states that it uses SFTP), while 0 is assigned to it's default, FTP protocol.
