upload-error with files that include capital lette - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

upload-error with files that include capital lette (General questions)

by Snape, Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 11:57 (7440 days ago)


If i try to upload a file with captial letters in filename, i get after the PutFile-Method the following errormessage:
30018 Server returned an error: No such file or folder

Example for a filename: tESt2_TEST.txt

Although, the file is transfered in all its beauty and has the same filename on the remote server.

Is this a bug or a feature?

ups - problem solved on my own

by Snape, Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 13:03 (7440 days ago) @ Snape

sorry, it was not the putfile-method, but the GetAttributes-method, and the mistake was in my program, not in your component.[:uhoh:]

Re: upload-error with files that include capital l

by wodSupport, Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 14:33 (7440 days ago) @ Snape


ok, I'm glad problem is solved.