Re: Frequent SSH disconnections, need to verify th - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Frequent SSH disconnections, need to verify th (General questions)

by kedarb, Tuesday, July 08, 2008, 11:19 (5982 days ago) @ wodDamir


1> The disconnections are happening recently, it seems our clients are increasing, hence the SSH connections. In some cases we get the errors like Connection is Busy, Time out errors, or just the disconnect event.

2> Currently we had installed the SSH software on the Virtual and Physical servers. As per my understanding, Virtual servers does not gives good performance as compared to physical servers. Is it good, to install the SSH server on a virtual server, is this creating a problem for disconnections

3> What other information would you like to have, so that we can come to know how many concurrent connections the SSH server takes or what is the maximum limit that the SSH server can handle concurrent connections.

Is there any pre-requisite or configuration document related to SSH Server. Iam asking the document, because i want to verify whether the SSH servers are configured properly to take load of the increasing connections. Since the SSH servers are not configured by me, i want to verify the issue.

Thanks & Regards,

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