Could not obtain channel pty on remote server. (General questions)
I am facing this error when i trying to connect to a server using component. I using public key authentication method. I am able to connect to server using component with the same key but i am not able to connect through SSH Component. The error says Could not obtain channer pty on remote server.
Please quide me what else needs to be done on server for SSH connectivity.
Thanks & Regards
Re: Could not obtain channel pty on remote server.
Hi Archit,
Can you please try setting AllocatePty property to true?
Does the error persist after that?
Also, what protocol are you using? Can you connect there with any other client?
Re: Could not obtain channel pty on remote server.
Hi Damba,
Thanks for quick reply i tried with AllocatePty property = true also but it resulted in same error.
Actually, i am using a common code that reads username and privatekeypath from a encrypted file and connect to different servers at different times. I am able to establish connection with others servers only in case of this server i am not able to establish a SSH connection with this server.
I have no changes to the protocol settings it is using default port 22.
Also i am able to connect to the server using scp2 commands...
Archit Aggarwal
Re: Could not obtain channel pty on remote server.
But can you connect to the server using some other client (using SSH protocol) like putty for example?
Can you try that? It would be very helpful if you could provide us that information.
Another thing. What version of the component are you using?
Re: Could not obtain channel pty on remote server.
Hi Damba,
Well i was able to connect to the server using putty. Also i was able to connect to the server by setting allocate pty = false but i was not able to fire any commands after that also received any error something like I dont know on which terminal you are running . The version of SSH i am using is Also the first three lines while connecting through putty read as
Authenticating with public key [1024-bit dsa, Administrator@<local machine name>, Mon Oct 04 2004 12:39:01]
Server refused to allocate pty
ttytype: couldn't open /dev/tty for reading
Re: Could not obtain channel pty on remote server.
And you can execute commands on that server using putty?
It looks to me from what you've shown me that that server doesn't support shell access.
Is there any chance we could connect to that server?