Re: how to create a server ? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: how to create a server ? (General questions)

by wodSupport, Monday, April 21, 2008, 08:25 (6060 days ago) @ Awen


why do you want to avoid search method? You could, in theory, call Start with predefined Port on one side, and then just COnnect to that Host/Port on remote side, but this only accept one connection.

What I would suggest is:
1. On the static peer side have mediator running
2. When remote peer wants to connect to static peer, he should search for it using that mediator
3. When static mediator sees someone wants to connect, he should create new instance of wodVPN on the fly, fill in correct name, make it search remote peer, etc..

So, why not creating peers dynamicly?


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