Connection to FTP-Server (General questions)
Dear all,
Perhaps a very stupid question: is it possible to setup a connection to a normal (non-secure) FTP-server with wodSFTP? I tried it a few times but all tries resulted in errors. I need to know it before I buy a license for wodSFTP. I'm developing a (kind of) message-broker which has to setup connections to secure and non-secure servers.
If it is possible: can you please explain me how to set up the properties?
Thank you very much,
Rien van Ham
Re: Connection to FTP-Server
Hi Rien,
Unfortunately, that's not possible. WodSFTP is only able to connect to SFTP enabled servers, and only supports SFTP protocol. You won't be able to connect to standard FTP server.
We do have other product (wodFtpDLX) which also supports FTP, and FTPS, as well as SFTP protocol.
You can find more information as well as link to download the trial version of that product from here:
Hope I helped.
Re: Connection to FTP-Server
Dear Damba,
Thank you very much. I bought a license for the FtpDLX-software.