Telnet keeps prompting for a valid license key (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)
I'm using the telnet control in VS 2005 on a machine with vista that has been upgraded from XP. After the upgrade i installed the software for telnet but it is acting like it cant read the key. It gives me the same poppup as if i never entered a product key. I look in the registry and i see the product key is there under wodTelnetDLX >> License but for some reason it is not reading it???
Re: Telnet keeps prompting for a valid license key
I believe i've responded to you on the ticketing system, but here it is if perhaps you haven't received it:
Did you re-import the component into the project after you did the re-install? Can you remove the component from the project, do a full uninstall, then remove the obj and bin folders from the project directory, then install the component and re-import it into the project?
Also, are you using UAC? Could you try installing the component with UAC off?
Re: Telnet keeps prompting for a valid license key
It was Vista's UAC settings, went into control panel and user accounts to disable it and now all is working. thanks