Variables in the Path keys of the [File] section (General questions)
Since my application can be installed anywhere, is there a variable which represents where the application is currently running from?
What happens if I dont provide a 'Path' key - where does wodAppUpdate expect to locate the file in question?
I have files in subdirectories off the main installation directory which need updating using wodAppUpdate.
Any Ideas?
Re: Variables in the Path keys of the [File] sec
Hi Rik,
wodAppUpdate will try to update file in same folder where your executable is. Probably this is installation folder.
You can try to add in configuration file APPDIR \subfolder_name if you want to update file in sub folder.
Let us know how it goes.
Re: Variables in the Path keys of the [File] sec
Made a space to play and here are some answers to my own questions!!
If no path is provided, the file will be located in the working directory of the application running wodAppUpdate, which makes sense.
Although the manual states that paths cannot be relative, my tests seem to indicate that this is fine e.g. Path=testapp.exe - even directory is created if absent.
APPDIR variable does something a little weird - it creates a directory called the same as the file and puts the file in it.
Hope this helps someone,
Re: Variables in the Path keys of the [File] sec
Thanks Drazen, placed order a few minutes ago.
APPDIR seems to work differently on my system - is it supposed to be the current working directory?
Posts must have crossed each other.... :)
Re: Variables in the Path keys of the [File] sec
Yes you are in right. APPDIR will provide working directory.