Telnet to Switch - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Telnet to Switch (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)

by Sandeep, Monday, February 25, 2008, 19:22 (6117 days ago)

I am not able to establish a tenet connection to port 10023 on our provisioniing switch. i am able to conenct to port 23 though. Any thoughts on what I need to change in the below code?

Ssh1.Hostname = ;
Ssh1.Login = username ;
Ssh1.Password = password ;
Ssh1.Blocking = true;
Ssh1.Protocol = WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.SupportedProtocols.Telnet;
Ssh1.Port = 10023;

Ssh1.Timeout = 10;
//Ssh1.TerminalType = tty ;

String a;

a = Ssh1.Receive();
Response.Write( <pre> + a + </pre> );

Thank you,

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