Re: Possible to implement something like - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Possible to implement something like (General questions)

by enaiman, Friday, November 23, 2007, 01:38 (6221 days ago) @ enaiman


Did you check ReceiveLine method?

Perhaps this would help?


I tried ReceiveLine and it returns nothing :(
the way I did: I've put ReceiveLine inside the _Receive function. The _Receive function works and it returns the number of bytes to be received.
I'm not sure how Handled works, I tried to assign True or False outside _Receive function but it doesn't change the behaviour (I'm using the GUI version)

Here is a bit of my code:
[code]Func Telnet1_Received($bytes, $handled)
ConsoleWrite($bytes&@CRLF) ;debuging
ConsoleWrite($handled&@CRLF) ;debuging
$recvd = $Telnet1.ReceiveLine ()
ConsoleWrite($recvd&@CRLF) ;debuging

while $bytes value changes everytime according to what is to be received, ReceiveLine returns nothing and Handled has no effect when set True or False.
I know I may be doing something wrong ... could you tell me please?
Thank you,

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