Unable to connect to IP Address - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Unable to connect to IP Address (General questions)

by Ogedei, Friday, August 31, 2007, 23:35 (6293 days ago)

I have recently switched from the COM to the .NET version of DLX.

A site I was able to connect to in COM can not be reached in .NET
I get a An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host message when I try and connect.

I am using the Simple.VB sample and I am getting the same results.

I can not provide you access to the site it is HIPAA protected but here is the IP

oFTP.Blocking = True
oFTP.Hostname =
oFTP.LocalPath = procedure.LocalDir
oFTP.Login = FTP.UserName
oFTP.Passive = FTP.Passive
oFTP.Password = FTP.Password
oFTP.Port = FTP.Port

'oFTP.Protocol = CType(CType(FTP.Protocol, wodFtpDLXComLib.ProtocolsEnum), WeOnlyDo.Client.Protocols)
oFTP.Protocol = CType(FTP.Protocol, WeOnlyDo.Client.Protocols)
oFTP.RemotePath = procedure.RemoteDir
oFTP.Timeout = FTP.TimeOut

If oFTP.State = WeOnlyDo.Client.States.Disconnected Then
End If

Please assist. thanks

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