Yahoo login, get and post - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Yahoo login, get and post (General questions)

by minhmaru, Friday, July 06, 2007, 06:45 (6354 days ago)

Dear weonlydo,
I have tried to use HttpDLX to login to yahoo and post some value there but it was not sucessful as I got problem with cookie. So can you show me how?

For example
Login url:
And then change blast of at:

with the cookie above.

Thanks in advance.
I hope to be your client soon!

Re: Yahoo login, get and post

by wodDamir, Friday, July 06, 2007, 16:19 (6353 days ago) @ minhmaru

Hi Minhmaru,

First let me apologize for responding so late.

Can you provide us some more details? How far did you get? Were you able to login into yahoo? What do you reffer to as a cookie problem?

Perhaps you could prepare a small sample for us to duplicate the issue? Also, if you could provide us access there, that would be great.

You can send any private information or samples to

Sorry for all the questions, but this information could help us resolve the problem you have.
