Encrypt & Compression a very large file failed (General questions)
I use the code below to encrypt & compress a very large text file (over 2 giga bytes), but failed (The length of result file is 0 bytes).
Dim objCipher As New WODCRYPTCOMLib.wodCryptCom
Dim fbSrc As New WODCRYPTCOMLib.FileBlob
Dim fbDest As New WODCRYPTCOMLib.FileBlob
With objCipher
.Optimized = False
.Type = EncryptType
.Licensekey = MyLicensekey
.Compression = ZlibCompression
.SecretKey = Thisisatest
End With
fbSrc.FileName = C:SrcTestFile.txt
fbDest.FileName = C:DestTestFile.txt
Call g_objCipher.Encrypt(fbSrc, fbDest)
Can wodCrypt support very large file ??