Random timeouts - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Random timeouts (General questions)

by bruinman, Thursday, January 25, 2007, 19:23 (6512 days ago)

I am getting random timeouts in my application. Here is some of my code:
OptimLogger.Info( Trying to connect OPTIM 9000. );
Ssh1 = new WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH();
Ssh1.Timeout = 300;
Ssh1.Hostname = strHostName.ToString(); //my host
Ssh1.Login = strUserName.ToString(); //mylogin
Ssh1.Password = strPassword.ToString(); //mypassword
Ssh1.Blocking = true;
Ssh1.Protocol = WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH.SupportedProtocols.SSHAuto;

Then I have multiple instances (imagine the code below multiplied many times) where I have to do the following:

strExp = Please Enter Choice : ;
strCmdOutput = Ssh1.Execute( 3
, regex: [/(Please)( )(Enter)( )(Choice)( )(:)( )(0)/] );
output = Ssh1.Receive();

whenever I hit the waitfor statement, the application times out at DIFFERENT places. If i run the application directly, there are no conflicts or timeouts. Any ideas what could be wrong or how to troubleshoot?

I am using WeOnlyDo.Client.SSH, Version=

Complete thread:


  • Random timeouts - bruinman, 2007-01-25, 19:23 [*]